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Accelerating decarbonisation by putting the control in your hands

Digital solutions driving a step-change for a new energy future.

New energy challenges

The global shift to renewable energy sources and electrification is creating significant challenges for the energy supply chain. Energy utilities must continue to transform and harness the power of secure data and flexible infrastructure to make smarter and faster decisions based on rapidly changing needs.


Unprecedented structural change

The integration of renewables and the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources at the edge of the grid is creating multi-directional energy flows and intermittent supply and demand. This requires enhanced grid-edge visibility solutions and the intelligent management of grid operations closer to real-time.

At VTS, we're addressing three major decarbonisation shifts to support your transformation.


Electrification of transportation

The rapid rise of electric vehicle adoption and other fossil-fuel replacement initiatives is driving a dramatic shift in energy consumption patterns and creating additional stress on the existing network infrastructure. The unprecedented growth in peak demand requires improved access to data & actionable insights to optimise new infrastructure investments and the integration of demand side resources.


Flexibility for the future

The energy transition is moving at pace and no one has a crystal ball for the future. Today’s forecasts are out of date before they are published. Utilities need flexible solutions that will allow them to adapt to an uncertain future.

Find out more about VTS & Diverge

Our strategic alliance

We are working with AWS in a strategic alliance to develop Diverge, a first of its kind for AWS in New Zealand and for AWS in the global energy sector, which will help accelerate the future of energy. The alliance aims to deliver availability, scalability and future-proofed performance.

Check out some of the innovative work we’ve been doing through this strategic alliance, which will change how energy is managed, delivered and consumed by leveraging the power of data.

Get in touch

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Real-world solutions for real-world issues

Diverge is the next-generation energy data platform that breaks down data siloes and unlocks access to energy data, enabling insights and analytics vital to meeting new energy challenges: 

  • An energy data repository providing a system of record for asset status and time series data for the grid edge

  • High performance parallel data processing

  • Secure, resilient and highly available

  • Flexible and extensible

  • Diverge can consolidate data from multiple sources, and simultaneously support multiple use cases across multiple user groups in a modern digital energy utility, including customer service, grid operations and planning/forecasting.

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